
  • Paul Boucher - Tenor
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    Due to a tragic bicycle accident as a young boy, Paul sings the really high "girly" part.  He has been barbershopping for over 20 years in Ottawa, is an Information Technology Manager with the federal government, and is a busy father of three.  Paul will tell you that his biggest challenge in life is trying to meet and maintain the quartet’s stringent minimum weight requirements!

  • Mike Purdy - Bari
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    Without question, the chief "trouble-maker" in this bunch is Mikey.  He has been married to Carol almost his whole life and has been involved in barbershop singing since 1990.  He is also a member of the popular Ottawa 50’s & 60’s rock n’ roll band “The Fabulous Edsels”.  Mikey will tell you that his goal is to one day actually BE an entire barbershop quartet!
  • Shaun Richards - Lead
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    Shaun is often referred to by the other three as the "skirt" since he is the quartet's contact person and handles the quartet's bookings, website, and general administration.  Shaun is an independent information technology consultant in Ottawa, has four children, four grandchildren, loves to sing, play guitar, constantly dreams of returning to Nova Scotia as often as he possibly can - and has never met a chicken wing or cheeseburger that he didn’t like!

  • Rod mckenzie - Bass
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    Rod has been barbershopping forever!  Rod is a recently retired former senior policy advisor with the federal government.  Rod and his lovely wife, Raylene, are orginally from British Columbia.  Rod has no children... someone cleverly posted a lifeguard on THAT gene pool!   Raylene says she doesn't need any more kids... she already has Rod!  
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